Yesterday (Day 13) was another hard fought day. A slight headwind kept my speeds low and my heart rate high. I still cranked out 82 miles. I stayed at the Eureka KOA. It was a bit spendy for a Hiker/Biker site, but I NEEDED laundry. So I payed the extra bit of money and had access to everything I needed. On the road that day I met a young man by the name of Mike and a Girl named Amber. Both of them are on similar paths, but we didn't have the same pace so shortly after meeting we parted ways. It is always nice to have company on the road, even for a moment. Prepare for a tangent….
I was thinking, I got nothing better to do…When I have moved to new places, after about a month in a place one begins to develop patterns, favorites, places you will NEVER go. After about a month a place begins to become your home. I am two weeks into this and looking back I have passed through countless towns and met hundreds of people, each one for a moment or two, but no more than that. I have seen sights, each one unique. I have climbed hills, each one easier or harder than the last. Each day I choose a place to sleep so I can leave it the next day. The only single constant on my journey is the road. It is hard, paved, unforgiving and long, but it is starting to feel like home. I spend between 5 and 7 hours a day on my bike, the rest of the time I am eat, plan or sleep. I noticed how much the road was my home today, because I took it easy today and I wondered, What will I do instead of riding till exhaustion?---Its like the road calls. It tells you, HEY! I'm not getting any shorter…you are just getting weaker! Being awake and not riding feels wrong. I leave the road and look at her thinking, WOW! If that is my home right now, it is a harsh home. The next day I begin rolling and mile after mile fades away. I try to wrap my head around this new relationship I have begun to foster. I have great appreciation for my new friend. It is a cheesy quote, but has always been one i have liked:
"You do not conquer that which is your companion." ~ Lynn Hill (She has climbed a thing or two)
So this ever-changing line, serpentining through the hills along the coast, is to be my home…good. We have an understanding then.
End tangent.
Were back at the KOA...The finest part of the KOA was the sunset!
Late in the ride i began to notice noise in my wheels and noted a compression piece coming loose on my cranks. CRAP! I tried to make it to town before all the bike shops closed, but failed. Instead, I ate a fine bean and cheese burrito.
Sunday morning I rolled in to Eureka and ate breakfast at a bakery then headed to a bike shop to have them take a look at my sick ride! Turned out that my rear hub had pretty much ran out of lube…stupid rain! A relatively quick fix and I was off. A frustrating day lay a head of me. Lots of little things. Rude people, including a car that threw a cup of ice at me. They missed, but it made me jump. Back to my tangent though, previously I would have been furious, this time it seemed like a silly little thing. Though the people I met in Humboldt county were little strange the Avenue of Giants did not disappoint. I rolled through 25miles of redwoods and didn't even notice the time passing. I decided to stop after only 60 miles today to rest up for tomorrows 2000 foot climb. It was hard to force myself to stop. I even called Laurel to have her look up RV sites or other campsites further down the road, but I stopped. I am staying in Hidden Springs Campground, Myers Flat, CA. After some more strange interactions, I had a Lost Coast Brewery beer, since they are brewed in Eureka, a turkey sandwich and one of those apple pie things. Well rounded meal :-/
Tomorrow I climb to Leggett and hit the highest point on the ride then rocket to the coast, dropping 2000 feet over 12 miles…I CAN'T WAIT!
One of my better interactions with people today…
Lady at the check stand in Myers Flat: "Oh what does the "= HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN" stand for on your debit card?
I look to the window where a sign reads: "We believe in God, The Constitution and The Tea Party!"
Me: "uuuummmmm. Equal rights."
Lady: "Hm. I see a lot of crazy credit cards."
Me: "Thanks"
Lady: "Don't mind the two dogs blocking the exit…they don't bite."
And thats how I bought my dinner.
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