Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 4

Today went surprisingly well.  I was pretty under the weather yesterday.  I was so stuffed up i could barely breath.  So i decided to stay at The Toadlily hostel in Port Angeles, a beautiful facility!  Buuuuuuut my bunk mate was a very overweight guy who drank 15 Busch beers in about 2 hours and passed out.  No big deal right...NO he snored so loud!  At once he roused himself for his shower i moved to the couch in the common room and rolled around there till abut 8:30am.  Needless to say, I didn't sleep well.  So i spent the morning resting in a cafe and getting some supplies i might need.  I also got my bike tuned and headed out at about 2:30.  I was only planning on going to Fairholm Camp, beautiful location at the western tip of Lake Crescent, but i felt strong and I pushed on.  I ended up in Forks, WA, the Twilight capitol of the world...who knew.  I realized that once I stepped off my bike I was shivering and decided to consider a hotel.  I looked around and apparently a Twilight themed room can be yours for only $99 per night.  Not happening.  I ended up at the Tear Drop "motel."  The lady tells me, "the room is small and no TV.  Is ok?"
Me:  It has a bed, yes?
Her: Oh yes of course.
Me: Perfect.

I must have looked and sounded pretty rough as she discounted the cheapest room they have.  It is essentially a large closet at the end of a double-wide trailer.  The hot water works and my bed is comfy.

My voice is all but gone and my sinuses are so stuffed i get a bit dizzy when i look up.  Decongestants help, but I desperately need this good nights sleep.

This post has been me rationalizing my "hotel" to myself :)  I did stop more and take pictures and video today, so i hope to post those tomorrow.

How bout some stats:
13mph average
Head winds between 10-20 for the first two hours and 5-10 for the last two hours.
About 3 times as far as I was planning on going and i saw a baby dear.
Sleep well...


  1. Go Berto, go! We're following your adventure and are enjoying the stories.
    Hoping you'll get rid of that cold soon.

  2. Keep it up, Buddy! I'm a few days behind on your blog, but not missing any of it. Good call on the hot water and a bed... Take care of yourself.
